Publicado el , 26 de Nov de 2018
Sitting at  my garden, all alone,
How I miss you!
There's no sun.
There in heaven
You must be,
Why not here, close to me?
Staring at the Sky,
Plenty of stars,
How bright!!
But here in my heart, all alone!! 
I find none!!
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Sobre el autor


Mis hobbies.leer, correr, música orquestada y de cuerdas.viajar.escribir. Soy egresada de la Universidad de Antioquia.Trabajo como asociada de la multinacional Herbalife.

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Looking at the distance where the sun is raising, I found myself asking What is happiness?Is It of a bird's melody the sweetness whenthe sun is fallingInto peaceful darkness?Or the awakiningof one's sensesTo the love madness?Or mayor be the colors ofenchanted garden,painting the sorroundingsWith the ...
