
Publicado el , 27 de Nov de 2018
In the smallest or the largest,or the strongest or the weakest creatures,
In the greenest or the ripest fruit;
in the happiest or the sadest memory,
there, you are,oh Lord.
In our brightest or
our darkest hours,
in the fardest or the closet stars; in our deepest or our greatest thoughts,
in our hearts and souls, there you are,
in our lives, oh Lord.
In the hottest or the coldest weather,
in the hardest wind
or the softest breeze, in the 
deepest sea or the highest mountain,
in our hearing or our sight, everywhere,
I see you, oh Lord.
In your streams or your mounts, in your  sun or your sky;
every Valley, every leaf, every river , every tree, in the greatness of their escence; about you, talk to me.
In our breathing or our talk, in the beating of our hearts, let my tongue sing your mercy, and your blessings,God Almighty, and your love.
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Sobre el autor


Mis hobbies.leer, correr, música orquestada y de cuerdas.viajar.escribir. Soy egresada de la Universidad de Antioquia.Trabajo como asociada de la multinacional Herbalife.

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Para no olvidar

Para no olvidar tu nombre he grabado en la piel de un árbol, lo hegritado al viento,Y en él arco iriscolgado he tú aliento.Para no olvidar,sin norte he zarpado en nave sin ancla, velero deensueño, sin remos ni mar!Para no olvidarsuspiro en las tardes, ansío en las ...
